Merkur CLI

Merkur CLI for building your widget use esbuild tool which improve performance of development process and build tasks over webpack. The merkur CLi is configurable with merkur.config.mjs file which is in root of your project.

The full merkur config can be look like:

 * @type import('@merkur/cli').defineConfig
export default function ({ cliConfig, emitter,  }) {
  return {
    extends: [ '@merkur/preact/cli' ], // Merkur predefined extender
    task: { // defined tasks to building your widget, default are node, es13 and es9
      node: {
        name: 'node',
        build: ESBuildConfiguration, //
      es13: {
        name: 'es13',
        build: ESBuildConfiguration, //
      es9: {
        name: 'es9',
        build: ESBuildConfiguration, //
    devServer: { // configuration for Merkur dev server
      protocol: 'http:',
      host: 'localhost:4445',
      port: 4445,
      staticPath: '/static',
      staticFolder: '{project_folder}/build/static',
      origin: 'http://localhost:4445'
    defaultEntries: {
    // entries for your project, you can override it with creating /src/entries/{client|server.js} file
      client: [
      server: [
    playground: {
      template: '{project_folder}/node_modules/@merkur/cli/src/templates/playground.ejs',
      templateFolder: '{project_folder}/node_modules/@merkur/cli/src/templates',
      path: '/',
      widgetHandler: AsyncFunction,
      widgetParams: Function,
    socketServer: { 
      protocol: 'ws:',
      host: 'localhost:4321',
      port: 4321
    widgetServer: {  // configuration for Merkur widget production server
      protocol: 'http:',
      host: 'localhost:4444',
      port: 4444,
      staticPath: '/static',
      staticFolder: '{project_folder}/build/static',
      buildFolder: '{project_folder}/build',
      clusters: 3,
      origin: 'http://localhost:4444'
    HMR: true,
    constant: {
      HOST: 'localhost',
    onCliConfig, Function, //extending hook for cli config,
    onMerkurConfig: Function, // extending hook for merkur config,
    onTaskConfig: Function, // extending hook for task config,
    onTaskBuild, Function, // extending hook esbuild config
